Outnumbered Is Returning For A...


Outnumbered Is Returning For A Christmas Special 8 Years On


12:30 23 May 2024

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We're going to be checking in with the Brockman family again!

8 years after it ended, it's been confirmed that Outnumbered is returning for a Christmas Special.

The half-scripted comedy show followed the chaotic every day life of Pete (Hugh Dennis), Sue (Claire Skinner) and their 3 young children.

The show was known for its brilliant improvised performances from both the young and old cast, and brought us classic scenes like this one:

The show's writers and directors, Guy Jenkin and Andy Hamilton, have confirmed that the upcoming Christmas special will include all of the original cast, and will follow the chaos in the downsized home of Pete and Sue Brockman, as they grapple with the challenges of parenting kids who are now adults.

“I can’t wait for the Brockmans to be back together again," Hugh Dennis commented on the return of Outnumbered after 8 years, "Pete and Sue have downsized, the children are no longer children, but I’m sure family life will prove to be just as chaotic as ever.”

“I’m really looking forward to being reunited with my TV family," Claire Skinner said on the news, "Working on this wonderful BBC comedy doesn’t feel like work and is one of the greatest joys for us all.”

We're buzzing!

Tune in to World Wide Reb, weekday mornings at 8.10am on 98FM's Big Breakfast for all the latest entertainment news 🎬

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