Study Finds A Quarter Of Child...


Study Finds A Quarter Of Children Can't Run Properly

Emma Tyrrell
Emma Tyrrell

07:22 27 Jan 2020

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A quarter of primary school children across the country can't run properly.

That's one of the findings of a new Dublin City University All Ireland study. It also shows one in two children can't kick a ball properly.

Children's skills for running, jumping, catching and kicking, or fundamental movement skills, plateau and stop progressing at the age of ten.

Researcher at DCU School of Health and Human Performance, Dr. Stephen Behan says they're vital skills that affect confidence:

"If we don't develop them at a young age, when we're asked to take part in activities that involve these skills, we might feel un-confident or a lack of motivation which then leads to a lack of physical activity."

He says interventions does work; "Lifestyles are different now, we know there's a big increase in sedentary time, kids are spending a lot more time on screens."

He says the big message to get out is to let kids play.

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