Memorial Held To Mark The 50th...


Memorial Held To Mark The 50th Anniversary Of The Dublin and Monaghan Bombings

Joe Caulfield
Joe Caulfield

03:38 17 May 2024

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A commemoration is being held today to mark the 50th anniversary of the deadliest event in the history of the Troubles.

Taoiseach Simon Harris and Tánaiste Micheál Martin will attend the memorial event remembering the 34 people, including one unborn baby, killed in the Dublin and Monaghan bombings on 17 May 1974. 

That day witnessed the greatest loss of life in a single day in the Troubles.

Today’s ceremony takes place in Talbot Street, at the monument to those killed in the bombings.

President Higgins will address the memorial event, which is organised by Justice for the Forgotten, a group which represents bereaved families and survivors of the Dublin and Monaghan bombings and other atrocities. 

Speaking in advance of the memorial, the Taoiseach said: “On 17 May 1974, just as a busy and bustling Friday afternoon was drawing to a close in Dublin city centre, three no-warning bombs exploded on the streets of our capital and a fourth some ninety minutes later in the centre of Monaghan Town. It was the greatest loss of life in a single day during the Troubles, leaving so many families devastated.

Today, fifty years on from that dark day, I remember all those who lost their lives and were injured, and think of their families. I know their hurt has been compounded by a lack of truth and of justice for the victims since, and of immediate support for the families in the difficult years that followed.  Today, we honour the memories of those who died, the more than 300 people injured, and the bereaved, both those living and those who have died in the years since. Today, Dublin and Monaghan remember.”

The Tánaiste said: “Today I remember all those who lost their lives, all those injured and all those whose lives were affected by the horrific bombs in Dublin and Monaghan on 17 May 1974.  The tragedies of that day live on in families in Ireland, and abroad.

“The loss and suffering of families was magnified by inadequate investigation at that time.  The Barron and MacEntee inquiries answered some questions and raised some more, including the possibility of collusion.  I have been following up with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland on the provision of sensitive material which may help answer some of those questions.  I hope that the current investigation, known as Operation Denton, into the activities of the Glenanne gang – who are suspected of involvement in the bombings – will also assist families when it eventually makes its report.”


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