This Morning Viewers Squirm At...


This Morning Viewers Squirm At ‘Most Awkward Interview Of The Year’ As Gladiator Star Refuses To Speak


11:34 17 Jan 2024

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You could hear a penny drop!

Viewers of This Morning were left baffled on Tuesday morning when one of the interviewees refused to answer questions.

The show invited the stars of the new Gladiators on to be interviewed about the BBC reboot of the classic 90s show.

But Josie and Dermot really struggled to get an answer out of Viper, who insisted on staying in character throughout the interview and remained silent whenever he was asked a question.

How’s that for awkward?

This Morning viewers didn’t know what to make of the situation, taking to social media to air their thoughts.

"How f***ng cringe is this Gladiator’s interview" one viewer wrote on Twitter.

"Wtaf was that!!!???? #Gladiators #ThisMorning if there was ever any chance of me watching it. There certainly isn’t now! That might be a character, but ffs" another commenter said.

However some viewers enjoyed the interview, and how true to their characters the Gladiators were.

"The #Gladiators interview is quite funny as they're in character #ThisMorning." one person commented while another person said "Clearly nobody understands that they are in character for this interview."

Viper was staying true to his on-screen persona as he's been described as "mean, moody, sneaky and powerful”.

Have you been watching the Gladiators reboot? What do you think? Leave a comment on our socials!

Tune in to World Wide Reb, weekday mornings at 8.10am on 98FM's Big Breakfast for all the latest entertainment news 🎬

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