Up To Third Of Young Men And W...


Up To Third Of Young Men And Women Have Depression Symptoms


07:33 14 Dec 2021

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Almost a third of young women and a fifth of young men in Ireland have symptoms of depression.

New 'Growing Up In Ireland' research also finds almost a quarter of young adults are overweight by the age of 20, and 13 percent are obese.

The pre-Covid study by the ESRI shows more than 95 percent use the Internet, with more than half spending over three hours per day online.

Professor Emer Smyth of the ESRI says the number of 20-year-olds who're obese is worrying;

"We're seeing that even since they were 17 there's an increase in the numbers who are overweight or obese. Which is partly related to lower levels of physical exercise than previously"

She says they're also seeing quite significant amounts of screen time for some of the group.

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