Housing Expert Says Affordable...


Housing Expert Says Affordable Rental Development Is "Too Expensive"

Laura Donnelly
Laura Donnelly

03:22 11 Mar 2021

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A housing expert says Ireland's first big affordable rental development could be too expensive.

It's expected to cost €1,000 per month to rent a one bed apartment in the new development at Shanganagh in south Dublin.

The general rule of thumb is that a person shouldn't spend any more than one-third of their income on housing.

And for this to be true for the one bed apartments at Shanganagh, someone would have to earn almost 50,000 euro a year.

Lorcan Sirr, a senior lecturer in planning at Technological University Dublin, says this is too expensive.

"They provide about 7,000 cost rental units in Vienna every year and the average rent for a two bed is between 7 and 800 euro per month."

The Land Development Agency, the state body behind the project, says the apartments are aimed at people who earn too much to qualify for social housing, but not enough to afford market rents.

And it says at €1,000 per month, the apartments are 35 per cent cheaper than similar homes in the area.

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