Tik Tok Stars To Join Forces W...


Tik Tok Stars To Join Forces With Rape Crisis Centre


08:18 6 Mar 2020

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Tik Tok stars are joining forces with the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre for the #100Consent campaign today.

So nearly 3 million young adults in Ireland follow these Tik Tok stars.

In other words, Tik Tok is a social media app that's used for sharing short videos, usually around 15 seconds.

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre's Noeline Blackwell says they'll reach an audience the Centre doesn't usually:

"We're going to ask them to tell us what they think of this campaign."

"How we can get the word out there that, for sexual activity whatever age you are."

"Particularly for the age they know about, consent is the key!"

Yes Or No, There Is No Maybe

The influencers will attend a day of workshops and brainstorming to help educate them on consent.

Themes and topics will include "The stages of consent” and the power of social influence.

The DRCC hopes it'll help them talk about the #100Consent campaign on Tik Tok in a tone that suits the audience.

Noeline Blackwell says there is no grey area with consent.

"Consent is something that's either make or break."

"People should be a hundred per cent sure they're consenting to whatever the sexual activity it for themselves, and for their partner."

"So that there is no doubt that this activity is something that both sides want."

"Whatever the number of people are engaged in this activity, that it's something that every single one of them wants."

More #100Consent information is available on the DRCC's website.

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual violence please remember the DRCC National 24-Hour Helpline 1800 77 8888.

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