The One Story Line We Missed I...


The One Story Line We Missed In Love Actually


11:52 2 Dec 2015

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At this stage most people have seen Love Actually. Or, if like me, you have seen it numerous times. 

There are so many love stories intertwined throughout the movie, but there is one love story which we all apparently missed. A new fan theory has surfaced and it makes a lot of sense. 

Jen Lewis, from Buzzfeed, was re-watching the popular Christmas movie the other day when the penny dropped. Liam Neeson's character, Daniel, is actually in love with Emma Thompson's character Emma. Love Actually, get it? 

So we know that Daniel and Emma are close friends in the movie. Some people even confused them for brother and sister, which they are not. Well, Daniel and Emma have a lovely relationship which becomes apparent throughout the movie. One particular scene we see Karen consoling Daniel over a box of Frosted Flakes.

This interaction has gone unnoticed as a sign of love between the two, by most people. But later, Daniel is introduced to Carol, a new love interest, and gets her name wrong. But, which name does he blurt out?? That's right. KAREN!

So let's go through this again. Daniel and Karen are friends, close friend, but he nervously says her name when meeting Carol. 

Furthermore, Daniel says to his son in the movie, "You know, Sammy... the general wisdom is that, in the end, there isn't just one person for each of us." Because of course, Karen is married to Snape... I mean Harry.

Maybe it's been the whole point of the movie from the start, to discover the actual love in the movie? 

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