Tallaght Households Feeling St...


Tallaght Households Feeling Stressed But Smoking Less


12:57 14 Sep 2015

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A major new report into households in Tallaght has found over two thirds are feeling stressed.

It’s one of the results of a survey which looked into the health and well-being of people living in the area.

The report also showed a drop in the number of smokers.

67% of primary care givers (the person who has the main responsibility for running the house) said they were worrying about things like family issues, money, their job or unemployment. That compares to 59% back in 2001.

The Health Assets and Needs Assessment, or HANA for short, found that almost half have visited a GP as a result.

343 households were surveyed, which equates to over one thousand people. Things they like about Tallaght include the shopping centre, parks and leisure facilities, the community spirit and neighbours. However crime, anti-social behaviour and a lack of facilities for young people were key areas of concern. 

When asked what healthcare services are most needed in Tallaght, 22% identified psychology, addiction-related services (mental health services and needle exchange), and an extension of GP services (more GPs and longer opening hours) as being the most important.

The report's authors are calling on the government to expand GP services in the area, and to widen the scope of psychology services, so they are embedded in the community.

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