These Bizarre Old Irish Cures...


These Bizarre Old Irish Cures Give Flat 7UP A Run For Its Money


06:03 20 Jan 2023

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Sheep's milk to cure baldness, cobwebs dipped in whiskey to heal cuts....

Ever wondered what people in Ireland used as cures before modern medicine?

The National Folklore Collection at UCD is home to a list of bizarre remedies collected by school children in Ireland in the 1930's.

The archives have been preserved and also digitised for ease of research and the collection is available to the public to come and visit if you're looking for a great day of learning out!

Archivist Jonny Dillon came onto the Saturday Social this week to explain more about the project and tell Rachael all about our country's weird and wonderful history in medicine.

And he was able to explain to Rachael the bizarre notion that women with a certain surname had the ability to bake bread that healed people's cough.

(Brb, googling my surname to see what magical abilities I possess)

You can listen to Rachael's full chat with Jonny here 👇

The website Jonny mentioned for finding out more about the National Folklore Collection at UCD can be found here and he has his own podcast called Blúiríní Béaloidis.

Tune into the Saturday Social with Rachael on 98FM, every week from 10am! 📻

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