3 Practical Tips For Boosting...


3 Practical Tips For Boosting Your Mood In January


05:45 20 Jan 2023

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Let's face it, January is the worst.

It's dark, cold and sometimes it just feels like it's never ending! (How is it STILL not February?)

Sometimes you can be on a high after Christmas and the sheer contrast of a cold, broke January immediately after it can have you feeling gloomier than ever.

People are in need of a boost this time of year and the good news is that you have the power to reframe your thinking and adjusting your mindset to make the next few weeks a little bit brighter.

On this week's Saturday Social, Rachael got psychologist Dr John Francis Leader on to give his professional advice and dish out 3 practical tips for beating those January Blues.

You can listen here 👇

Tune into the Saturday Social with Rachael Ryan, every week from 10am! 📻

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